Treasure Cloud
Project Type
Mobile Application

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About the project

Treasure Cloud is a project where coins can be bought and sold. Officially graded coins can be quickly listed, bought and sold by scanning them. The entire portfolio can be tracked through the application, and many actions can be taken at the same time. It is a unique application in the world of coins.
There was no readily accessible market for the coins other than physical auctions. For this reason, there are customers who want to buy and sell their physical coins on a marketplace. Customers could not follow their portfolio values, it was necessary to do a long research for the value of each coin, but with the application, it can be used to follow the portfolio by just uploading the coins.
Coin Marketplace
They needed a marketplace for their coins, they were missing a place with a high user experience where customers could buy and sell their coins.
Portfolio Management
Clients could not keep their portfolios in one place and control their values, so it was difficult to keep track of coin values.
Coins Storage
After purchasing Treasure Cloud, a 6-month free safe deposit option is now available by selecting it through the application.
Digital Ownership
After the coins were purchased, their digital ownership was digitally recorded. It has been made official when and where the coin was taken from.
Our company has provided an affordable mobile application service by adhering to the UI worked on for Treasure Cloud. Flutter dart coding language is used, there are some prominent items in the application such as prod and staging environment (Flavors), Amazon Amplify, Hive (NoSQL local database), qr and barcode reading packages.
Tech Stack
- Dart
- Flutter
- Amazon Amplify
- Hive
- Flutter Flavors
- Amazon Cognito

Project Highlights
Mobile App
Treasure Cloud is aimed to have a new generation cross-platform application. The application has been coded adhering to UI and UX work.
Integrated with Amazon
Using Amazon user integrations, some of the membership-related information is automated with the SDK.
QR and Barcode Operations
Some QR and barcode transactions have been made to load coins within the application. Optimization has been achieved in this regard.
Multiple Environment
Since it was necessary to work on multiple environments, the application was divided into two different environments and carried out separately.